I Gotta Phi Phi More!!
A sunrise, our bungalow, and half the island. I got up really early one morning(5:ooam) and fought my fear of the Great White Shark and did some kayaking on a really tippy kayak, I nicknamed, Undependable Blue(it was blue). For those who don't know, I fear Great White Sharks, all the time. Not, like, in towns, or on buses, or at the movies, but more like around any body of water that I'm swimming in or hanging out in. I know that they grow up to 25 feet long, can way 2 tons, and attack by surging up from 30 feet below and knocking their victim(me) five feet in the air unconscious. Then they come in for the kill. And they like to feed at dawn and dusk. And its dawn. And they can smell my fear.
Now, I was out real early, even before the sun, and at that time I could not even see through the clear clear water. But I know that the Great White is there, and I'm bothered, but I'm playing it off pretty well- just focusing on the paddle strokes. Not scared of no shark, nope not me. Then, I hit a pretty good swell, a little too broadside(seems like I WAS focusing on something besides paddling) and the tippy blue kayak dumped me. Dumped me right in the dark water with Great White. That kinda sucked.
So, then I'm on the bottom of the kayak, spread eagle, gripping the paddle like a Sumari Sword, barely floating above the surface of the water. I was just thinking of how the sun rose a little since I started but then immediately went behind this Bastard Cloud- not too much more light. I figured at some point I would have to fully enter the water and attempt to get the kayak right-side up and get back in the damn thing. That's when I glanced over toward shore and saw a Thai guy, shirtless, smoking a cigarette, just staring at me. He's probably about 75 yards away and I swear I can see the expression on his face. Well, its actually no expression. He's just staring. I thought that this was funny. In talking with a dive-instructor a few days later I found out that the Great White is a strictly cold water shark; the ones around Phi Phi are strictly crustacean eaters. Still, this doesn't change my attitude around the water- I KNOW that one is out there just waiting to make the switch to warm water and its gonna be when I'm swimming or kayaking.
Great Whites...you pussy. You shoud be more concerned about the little tiny things that you can't see crawling into the pores of your body everytime a sweat gland opens up enough to let one of those little nasties in. D-D-D-D-Dysentary. Good times. Watch out for those little buggers, they're way worse than sharks. Ekborg, back me up on this one.
Seriously though, I'm looking at this blog and trying to live vicariously through you but its not working very well, what with the temperature being in the teens and all. No bacteria here. Oh yeah, you came from Antarctica. My bad. Enjoy the warmth, you deserve it. We'll toast a guinnes and a bushmills for you tomorrow night at McSwiggins.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2006. Enjoy the rest of the trip.
Were you ever afraid of kayaking around on fresh water lakes? (I did hear that a fresh water pike is almost like a great white shark. Sharp teeth, long body, dark sense of humor. Im suprised you werent afraid of those...) Just wondering. You sounded as though you were really going to lose a leg or something. I'm glad you made it out alive, and back in one piece....
By the way, have you watched JAWS too many times. i swear, its ruined my experience in the ocean. BLAME IT ON THE FREAKIN' MOVIES'.
Have a awesome, beautiful time in Africa. Take care, and have a great holiday....
Well, well, well,
Two of the §missing§ comment on the same damn entry!! What are the chances.
I will admit, movies have ruined my outlook on the world- especially those featuring Leonardo DiCapprio- I wish Matt Damon were walking down the street with me when I encounter packs of huge Muslim men, holding hands and laughing at Jordan;s beard.
Thanks for the messages- I will see y;all in 06.
Sounds like a relaxing run in the kayak.
HA! xoxo deb
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