Friday, December 02, 2005

Chiang Mai - December 2nd

Well, well, well, its been a wacky week. First a quick recap: a goodbye to Harry(travel safe, good friend), a 15 hour train ride to Chiang Mai(city in northern Thailand), a bout of fever, a life-affirming motorbike ride, elephant snot(not related to the fever), a bamboo saxophone maker(who met Taj Mahal once), a night-time bazaar, an elixir made of some kind of birds brain or heart(tasted like clear jello, sweetened but without a flavor), and a guy who just loves, I mean, LOVES mosquitos(never kills them and thinks they're good for people).

There ya go. I'll let the pictures do most of the story-telling. Chiang Mai is beautiful and much cooler(not as hot) as Bangkok. Its situated near big hills and has beautiful artwork and handicrafts. Cheap Cheap Cheap. Everything is inexpensive. Erika finding it hard not to stuff her bags with all the beautiful clothing and the local artists can't understand why we can't take 8' X 4' framed pictures on the plane. We would if we could.

Next time(if there is one) I'll spend more time around this city. Its a much nicer pace and it actually gets quiet at night. Bangkok is just crazy.

At any rate, we're off to southern Thailand. Beaches, snorkelling, and scuba diving. Await more updates.....


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